Generate certificates with HSM or KMS managed keys
While using Vault's PKI secrets engine to generate dynamic X.509 certificates, an organization may require their private keys to be created or stored within PKCS#11 hardware security modules (HSMs) to meet regulatory requirements.
Vault version 1.10 introduced the managed keys system to allow operators to configure access to a key stored in an external KMS. This feature also adds support to the PKI secrets engine for using a configured managed key as the backing private key for an intermediate or root certificate authority (CA).
Managed keys offload some PKI operations to the HSM or cloud KMS.
- Key generation: Generate new PKI key pairs and certificates from external HSM or cloud KMS.
- Certificate signing: Verify and sign some certificate workflows within external HSM or cloud KMS.
When Vault is configured with managed keys, all operations related to the private key, including generation, happen within the secure boundary of the HSM or cloud KMS external to Vault.
To perform the tasks described in this tutorial, you need:
- Vault Enterprise version 1.10 or later
- HSM or AWS KMS environment
PKCS#11 HSM-backed managed keys requires Vault Enterprise license.
Policy requirements
For the purpose of this tutorial, you can use a root
token to
work with Vault. However, it is recommended that root tokens are only used for
just enough initial setup or in emergencies. As a best practice, use tokens
with appropriate set of policies based on your role in the organization.
To perform all tasks demonstrated in this tutorial, your policy must include the following capabilities:
# Work with transform secrets enginepath "sys/managed-keys/*" { capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "list" ]}# Enable secrets enginepath "pki/*" { capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list" ]}# List enabled secrets enginepath "sys/mounts" { capabilities = [ "read", "list" ]}# Tune mountspath "sys/mounts/pki/tune" { capabilities = ["create", "update"]}
If you are not familiar with policies, complete the policies tutorial.
In your organization, the configuration of a managed key and the configuration of a secrets engine may be performed by different people, in which case you might choose to segment the Vault policies accordingly.
Start Vault
For convenience and simplicity in the tutorial, you will operate a single Vault server with a minimal configuration using the default Shamir's Secret Sharing seal with one key share.
Open a terminal and create the initial Vault server configuration.
Be sure to set the
to where your Vault license key is located.$ cat > /tmp/vault-server.hcl << EOFdisable_mlock = truelicense_path = "/etc/vault.d/license.hclic"api_addr = ""cluster_addr = ""storage "raft" { path = "/tmp/vault-data" node_id = "node_1"}listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = true}EOF
Create the Vault server data directory.
$ mkdir /tmp/vault-data
Start the Vault server.
$ vault server -config /tmp/vault-server.hcl
The Vault dev server defaults to running at
. It is uninitialized and not yet ready for use.Open a new terminal session and export an environment variable for the
CLI to address the Vault server.$ export VAULT_ADDR=
Initialize the Vault server and capture the output to the file
$ vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 > /tmp/.vault-init
Export the
environment variable with the unseal key from the file as its value.$ export VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY="$(grep 'Unseal Key 1' /tmp/.vault-init \ | awk '{print $NF}')"
Export the
environment variable with the initial root token from the file as its value.$ export VAULT_TOKEN="$(grep 'Initial Root Token' /tmp/.vault-init \ | awk '{print $NF}')"
Unseal Vault.
$ vault operator unseal $VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY
The Vault server is ready.
Configure a Managed Key
Choose either PKCS#11 HSM or AWS KMS, and follow the steps for your KMS choice.
This tutorial uses the SoftHSM2 software (refer to its documentation for setup instructions). The path to the SoftHSM library varies by platform. These instructions apply to an installation of Ubuntu Linux, but other platforms will also work.
Initialize a new PKCS#11 token.
$ softhsm2-util --init-token --free --so-pin=supersecret --pin=prettysecret \ --label="test-kms-root"
SoftHSM example response:
Slot 24 has a free/uninitialized token. The token has been initialized and isreassigned to slot 1601102058
The slot number is returned. In this example, the slot number is
.A PKCS#11 HSM requires a shared library to configure Vault to communication with the HSM. To declare this library, edit the Vault server configuration at
to add akms_library
disable_mlock = truelicense_path = "/etc/vault.d/license.hclic"api_addr = ""cluster_addr = ""storage "raft" { path = "/tmp/vault-data" node_id = "node_1"}listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = true}kms_library "pkcs11" { name = "myhsm" library = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/softhsm/"}
Restart or reload Vault's configuration with
.$ kill -HUP $(pidof vault)
Each managed key requires type-specific configuration. You must identify the location of a key and PIN to access the HSM. This is very similar to Vault's PKCS#11 auto-unseal mechanism. Configure the managed key.
$ vault write sys/managed-keys/pkcs11/learn-managed-key \ library=myhsm slot=1601102058 pin=prettysecret \ key_label=my-hsm-pki-key \ allow_store_key=true \ allow_generate_key=true \ mechanism=0x0001 key_bits=4096 \ any_mount=false
The PKCS#11 specific parameters are
, referring to the previously configuredkms_library
, andmechanism
, which identifies the object in the HSM which will hold the key, and that it's mechanism is CKM_RSA_PKCS (RSA with PKCS#1 v1.5 signatures), and that we will require a 4096 bit key. Theallow_generate_key
flag indicates that Vault is allowed to request that the HSM generate a key, andallow_store_key
indicates that a new key may be stored in the backend. Without this flag, you may configure the key yourself in the HSM and just point Vault at the result. Finally,any_mount
means any mount in the namespace may access the managed key. For this example, it is set to false so that you can demonstrate how to lock managed key access down to a specific mount.Vault output:
Success! Data written to: sys/managed-keys/pkcs11/learn-managed-key
Read the key back.
$ vault read /sys/managed-keys/pkcs11/learn-managed-keyKey Value--- -----UUID f1a88f60-3e10-924f-7071-f862250ca4e9allow_generate_key trueallow_replace_key falseallow_store_key trueany_mount falsekey_bits 4096key_label my-hsm-pki-keylibrary myhsmmechanism 1name learn-managed-keypin redactedslot 1042332116type pkcs11
Test endpoint to validate that we can access the managed key.
$ vault write -force /sys/managed-keys/pkcs11/learn-managed-key/test/signSuccess! Data written to: sys/managed-keys/pkcs11/learn-managed-key/test/sign
The key has been generated in the HSM and used to sign and verify a dummy value.
Configure PKI Secrets Engine
Enable the
secrets engine at thepki
path.$ vault secrets enable pkiSuccess! Enabled the pki secrets engine at: pki/
Tune the secrets engine to use managed keys.
$ vault secrets tune -allowed-managed-keys=learn-managed-key pkiSuccess! Tuned the secrets engine at: pki/
You configured the managed key with
in the previous step. This command grants access to thelearn-managed-key
to the PKI secrets engine's mount.Generate the root certificate.
$ vault write -field=certificate pki/root/generate/kms \ managed_key_name=learn-managed-key \ \ ttl=8760h
Notice that the path is
(instead ofpki/root/generate/internal
). This indicates that a managed key will be used. The name of the managed key is specified (learn-managed-key
).Configure the CA and CRL URLs.
$ vault write pki/config/urls \ issuing_certificates="$VAULT_ADDR/v1/pki/ca" \ crl_distribution_points="$VAULT_ADDR/v1/pki/crl"
Successful output:
Success! Data written to: pki/config/urls
In a production environment, you may configure an additional mount or mounts for intermediate CAs, and have those intermediates signed by the root. Refer to the Build Your Own Certificate Authority (CA) tutorial.
Test that you can issue a certificate with your managed key-backed root by configuring and using a role.
$ vault write pki/roles/example-dot-com \ allowed_domains="" \ allow_subdomains=true \ max_ttl="720h"
Successful output:
Success! Data written to: pki/roles/example-dot-com
Request a new certificate for the
domain based on theexample-dot-com
role.$ vault write -format=json pki/issue/example-dot-com \common_name="" ttl="24h"
Example output:
Key Value--- -----certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDwzCCAqugAwIBAgIUTQABMCAsXjG6ExFTX8201xKVH4IwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwGjEYMBYGA1UEAxMPd3d3LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tMB4XDTE4MDcyNDIxMTMxOVoX ...-----END CERTIFICATE-----issuing_ca -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDQTCCAimgAwIBAgIUbMYp39mdj7dKX033ZjK18rx05x8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL ...-----END CERTIFICATE-----private_key -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAte1fqy2Ekj+EFqKV6N5QJlBgMo/U4IIxwLZI6a87yAC/rDhmW58liadXrwjzRgWeqVOoCRr/B5JnRLbyIKBVp6MMFwZVkynEPzDmy0ynuomSfJkM ...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----private_key_type rsaserial_number 4d:00:01:30:20:2c:5e:31:ba:13:11:53:5f:cd:b4:d7:12:95:1f:82
Next steps
Leveraging managed keys, operators can run a highly secure CA backed by an HSM or cloud KMS, while preserving the simplicity and flexibility of Vault's PKI secrets engine.
To learn more about the PKI secrets engine, see the following tutorials:
- Build Your Own Certificate Authority (CA)
- Build Certificate Authority (CA) in Vault with an offline Root
- Generate mTLS Certificates for Consul with Vault
- Generate mTLS Certificates for Nomad using Vault